Here are a few links to explore:
In response to 'Environmentalist Trashes Plan' as published in the London Free Press
Environmentalist trashes plan
Opponents put economy ahead of green bin plan
Green Bin pilot hits red light
Local Blogger: From My Bottom Step
NOTE: Council will vote on this matter on MONDAY, JANUARY 18th @ 5pm. If you would like to cast your vote on this program going through, you can attend the meeting and be one of many who will fill the gallery (2nd floor) in council chambers or call/email your city councillor directly.
Had no idea London had no green bins. St. Thomas has had for around 10 years. As far as I can tell it is very successful.
I wonder if it's better to promote backyard composting for those who own houses? I lived in Dartmouth, NS for many years in an apartment building and they had composting bins. Tenants always mixed weird non-compostable stuff in with the vegetable scraps and the contents of the bin ended up getting chucked into the garbage compartment of the collection truck. I also lived in a rural area where home owners were very good at putting their compost bins at the side of the road. In the spring I would get a load of compost for the garden from the municipality and although it was rich in nutrients for the plants it was also mixed with bits of bone and plastic. I think the yard waste program in London is great with some added education and promotion needed for backyard composting.
Great story as for me. It would be great to read a bit more concerning this matter. Thank you for posting this info.
Joan Stepsen
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