Friday, January 23, 2009

EcoLiving London & the Mayor’s Sustainable Energy Council

What an exciting time to be a Londoner!!!

After listening to the Mayor's passionate state of the city address on Thursday, I rushed to check out the new "ENERGYSAVER" website ( created by her Sustainable Energy Council.

The MSEC comprised of 18-20 members from energy utilities, energy businesses, educational institutions and the London Economic Development Corporation (LEDC), has created a fine resource that encourages and supports the development and implementation of research and initiatives, technologies, and investment in the area of sustainable energy.

However, developing London into a vibrant and sustainable city will require that we look closely at all aspects of city life. This resource, in addition to others referenced in the speech and currently functioning within the city, still do not fill our most critical niches.

We, as Londoners, need to focus on all the practical aspects that contribute to cultivating a smart, eco-conscious community.

- what we eat (local, seasonal, organic or transatlantic, mass-produced, genetically-modified)
- where we shop (local, privately-owned, community-focused or multi-national, profit-driven)
- how we spend our leisure time (canoe, bicycle, ski's or motor boat, hummer, snowmobile)
- how we spend our volunteer hours (planting trees or watching TV)
- how we travel (human-powered or gasoline-powered)
- how we utilize resources - our water, our land, our people

The Mayor said it herself, "People are seeking ways to go green and will gladly get involved with the right tools at their fingertips".

The public lecture series suggested by MSEC is great, as it will get people to think about sustainability - but we need to move from ideas to action - and lectures rarely lead to action. EcoLiving London will implement experiential eco-lifestyle workshops and events that will make information accessible, and help Londoners to develop practical and solution-oriented life skills, so they can then choose their own level of engagement and personal change.

Motivating the masses means connecting with them, asking them what they need, and then working in partnership to provide it. In order to create programs and initiatives that Londoners will participate in - it is important that the City and MSEC join forces with the people who work with the public everyday and represent their voice - local citizens, NGO's, and sustainable lifestyle experts. This inclusivity is the only way to ensure that London will achieve the Mayor's beautiful vision.

EcoLiving London will work with the City to promote over 160 local organizations who offer products and services that support sustainable lifestyle. EcoLiving London will create effective supports for moving our business community in a competitive, sustainable direction. EcoLiving London will directly create jobs - two full-time permanent and several contract as projects continue to unfold. EcoLiving London will cultivate a workforce that stimulates the innovative minds of our youth, by engaging future leaders in environmental stewardship and encouraging them to stay in London. EcoLiving London will help the city attract top talent and industry by improving our reputation and quality of life.

The City can not do it alone. EcoLiving London, in partnership with local government, business, and not-for-profit organizations, will act as a bridge - bringing everyone together to fill in the gaps for the good of the city.

89 AND COUNTING… click here to see what Londoners have to say about our economy, our environment, and the birth of EcoLiving London.

Council will decide on EcoLiving London's funding request on January 28th, 2009.

"I Pledge…" VIDEO on
"...let us summon a new spirit of responsibility, were each of us resolves to PITCH IN, and look after not only ourselves, but eachother..."

Warm Regards,


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