Sat May 1st 9:30-12pm
Nature London Bird Walks. SPRINGTIME AT CEDARCROFT. Spend a morning enjoying Cedarcroft, Nature London’s 11-ha nature reserve. There will be jobs available for members of all ages, plus time to look for birds and spring wildflowers. Members should see the latest flight of The Cardinal for more information.
Sat May 1st 8-2pm
Compost Value Day FUNDRAISER
30 Litres of Compost for $2 - - - While Supplies Last! Bring a Container and Shovel Locations:
1. Amway Global, 375 Exeter Road at White Oak Road
2. Masonville Mall (behind Nash Jewellers)
3. Try Recycling, enter off Medway,east of Clarke Rd.
4. Try Recycling, Dingman Drive, west of Wellington Road
Sat May 1st - 31st
Root Fundamentals youth group has come together to create tree and nature focused art. We are selling our artwork to donate 100% of the funds raised to Reforest London, to enable the non-profit organization to plant trees in the city of London. We hope that the art show will bring people from all walks of life to view and consider our art, and to educate them of the issue of deforestation.
WHERE: The London Fine Art Centre, 124 Dundas Street
WHEN: Art show on display May 1st - 31st, 2010
Sun May 2nd 2:00pm
WALK: Wortley Village Chimney Swifts
This walk offers a visual tour of chimneys in Wortley Village, London, discussing features that make certain chimneys attractive to Chimney Swifts. Chimneys in which swifts were resident in the summer of 2009 will be pointed out and, with luck, swifts newly arrived from the Amazon basin will be seen and heard. The walk takes place on Sunday, May 2, at 2 pm, starting at the Landon Library, 167 Wortley Road. It will be led by Winifred Wake, and last about one hour. The walk is one of a number of “Jane’s walks” being held in cities around the world, on the first week-end of May, to honour Jane Jacobs, renowned expert on liveable cities. More information on local walks can be obtained at
Sun May 2nd 1:30pm and 2:30
WALK: Museum London’s - The River Walk.
Travel the forks of the Thames River on this 60-minute walking tour. You’ll learn about what was here, what is here and what might be here.
Sun May 2nd 1:30pm and 2:30pm
WALK: Museum London’s - From Castles to Cottages.
This nearly 90-minute walk will take you through the Talbot Street, Ridout Street area of the downtown. You’ll be introduced to historical buildings, current residential uses, businesses and part of the development history of the city. Visit Eldon House, London’s oldest permanent residence on the way.
Sun May 2nd 1:00pm
WALK: An Abbey, A Castle and A Crystal Ball. An introduction to SoHo, this walk will offer a glimpse of some of SoHo’s intriguing architecture and interesting characters from the past, while examining some of the challenges facing this downtown neighborhood (south of the tracks). Meeting Place: Christ Anglican Church, (across from the bright red Antiquities building) on the northeast corner of Wellington and Hill. Contact Alice Gibb (Tour Guide) at
Sun May 2nd 1:30pm
WALK: Old East Village.
Long neglected and subject to stigmatization, this walk will explore how neighbourhood engagement can lead to positive change and urban renewal. East of Adelaide (EOA), long thought of as the natural home of the street-level sex and drug trade, and in decline for much of the past generation is now witnessing a remarkable renaissance. This walk will chronicle the natural ebb and flow of inner-city vitality, the role of local politics in both neighbourhood decline and revitalization, and how urban revitalization can only occur with the mobilization of local residents to provide an authentic and place-centred vision for the future. We will explore voth the residential neighbourhood and its commercial corridor, examine the relationship of each to the other, see the importance of heritage preservation as a tool of social and economic change, and discuss the potential challenges to long-term residents of urban gentrification. Meeting Place: Confederation Building, Western Fair - Dundas & Ontario Sts. Contact Greg Thompson (Tour Guide) at for more information.
Sun May 2nd 2:00pm
WALK: Medway Valley Heritage Forest.
This is a short work through parts of one of London’s Environmentally Significant Areas, Medway Valley Heritage Forest. Meeting Place: entrance to Medway Valley next to the Precious Blood Monastery, Ramsey Road and Kininvie Drive. Contact Sandy Levin at for more info.
Sun May 2nd 2-5pm
Sustainable Homestead Tour (48 Strachan St. in Port Burwell)
This will be an extensive tour of the facilities which include off grid living with solar cells and a windmill, solar water heaters, solar air heaters, below ground greenhouse, root cellar, gardens, fruit trees, oil expelling, biodiesel making, biodiesel heater, double wall construction home, composting system, rain water catchment, and much more. This will take most of the afternoon. For reservations please review the web site before registering at $5 donation.
Tues May 4th 6:30 pm
Food Matters, which uncovers the trillion dollar worldwide Sickness Industry, and explains a growing body of scientific evidence proving that nutritional therapy can be more effective, more economical, less harmful and less invasive than most conventional medical treatments. Introduction and Q&A hosted by Richard Vuksinic, ND. Location: Central Library, Wolf Performance Hall
Wed May 5th 6:30 pm
Nature London Bird Walks. MEADOWLILY WOODS ESA.
Spring and birding go together at Meadowlily Woods Environmentally Significant Area. Meet at Park Farm gate, 120 Meadowlily Road (first road east of Highbury Avenue, north from Commissioners Road).
Thurs May 6th 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Building green: two new sites for London.
What does it take to get gold Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification from the Canada Green Building Council? Cornerstone Architecture will talk about the new North London branch library on Sunningdale Road. The University of Western Ontario will talk about the new Ivey Business School building on Western Road. Q&A to follow. Location: Masonville Library
Fri May 7th 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Pollinator Gardening. Master Gardener, Ron Rossini will give a presentation that will help you determine what you can do to attract pollinator insects to your garden. Focus on pollinators and suggested plantings, as well as other natural ways to encourage pollinators. Location: Lee Valley Tools, 2100 Oxford St. East, London. Register through Lee Valley. Most sessions are $20.00.
Fri May 7th - Sun May 9th
Birds, Bikes and Books Eco-adventure returns to Pelee Island
Held by Explore Pelee, the weekend includes “an adventure tourism bird race by bicycle on a secluded island and observing rare migratory birds with expert birders,” said Anne Marie Fortner from the eco-tourism company.
As well, there will be “an intimate dinner banquet” at the Pelee Island Winery with authors Graeme Gibson and Brian Brett, and artist Robert Bateman.
The package includes an island and museum tour, bicycle rental, catered meals, wine demonstration and accommodations. It’s held in conjunction with the Pelee Island Heritage Centre’s Spring Song: A Celebration of Birds and Birding event and the Botham Cup Bird Race.
For more information visit or call 519-325-TOUR (8687).
Sat May 8th 9:30-1:30pm
NATIVE PLANT SALE! You will find a selection of NATIVE PLANTS, SHRUBS AND TREES from local growers. This is a fundraiser for the school yard naturalizing project with London Waldorf School. Location: front of Landon Library 167 Wortley Rd. London, ON. Contact Alison Sims: for more info.
Sat May 8th 11-2pm
Sitting Tree School and Nature Programs OPEN HOUSE
Come out and learn about our Summer Camps and Nature-Based Elementary School Program! There will be activities for the whole family! Located at the Westminster Ponds ESA, behind Parkwood Hospital. Visit for more information.
Sat May 8 to Wed May 12
Forest Gardening: Ecologically Intelligent Design for Human Living.
In this workshop we inform and engage you in creating ecologically sustainable sanctuaries for human living and planetary sustainability. You will learn how to apply practical Forest Gardening design to a diversity of landscapes with a focus on dense urban environments and temperate regions. Learn how to grow your own food no matter how big or small your backyard is. Design your own property, and learn how to 'be a part of the solution' using forest gardening principles. Passionate, long-time gardeners, herbalist and permaculture guides, Shantree Kacera D.N., Ph.D. and Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera, invite you to discover this remarkable model for creating gardens that support oneself and the Earth. This is a hands-on-experiential training in ecosystem structure and function, and in landscape understanding. It will show you how you can achieve the same benefits that natural systems demonstrate: stability, resilience, self-maintenance, self-renewal, increased soil quality, and nutrient conservation. For more information: Contact Lorenna & Shantree Kacera, D.N., Ph.D at To accommodate individual needs a person can attend our teachings as a One-Day or Two-Day Workshop or as a Three-Day Training)
Sat May 8th 10-4pm
Handmade Festival. The Library is proud to cosponsor the First Annual Handmade Festival. After a series of free workshops dedicated to sharing the art of craft and the cottage industry leading up to this event, this one day Festival will allow selected crafters to display their art and craft for the public. For more information please contact Central Library 1st Floor Passageway
Sun May 9th
Sun May 9th 1:00 pm
4th Annual Mothers' Day Hike (Hosted by the Thames Talbot Land Trust). In what has become a popular spring ritual the Stewards of Joany's Woods will again offer guided tours on Sunday May 9th. There will be a tour to suit all ages and enthusiasms. We usually can enjoy a spectacular display of the ephemeral spring flowers. Meet at the Boothill entrance at 1:00 PM. There will be signs from Elginfield Rd (old Hay 7) and Sylvan Rd. All are welcome.
Sun May 9th 10:30am – 12:30pm
London Photo Walks – University of Western Ontario.
London Photo Walks have been holding monthly photo walks since 2009, and we encourage you to join us this May. The next London Photo Walks is scheduled to take place at the University of Western Ontario (UWO). Although this walk will take place after most students have left the campus, this Sunday morning walk in May will prove to be a beautiful one with the flowers and plants hopefully in full bloom. Taking this into consideration that our walk falls on Mother’s Day, we encourage everyone who wants to come out to bring their mother to enjoy the great weather and beautiful scenery. This walk will be taking place in conjunction with PodCamp London 2010 which is happening the day before on May 8th 2010. Meeting Place: The Concrete Beach - 1393 Western Road. Contact Kevin Van Lierop at for more info.
Mon May 10th 7-8:30pm
COMMUNITY MEETING: London Community Gardens (Business Plan Focus Groups)
Location: North London Optimist Community Centre, Room 1, 1345 Cheapside Street
It is critical to promote and sustain London’s community garden program and the benefits the city and its residents reap from the gardens. Accordingly, the City of London commissioned Pathways Consulting Group Inc. to conduct a detailed review of London’s Community Gardens program. The four month process includes: conducting a review of the existing program, highlighting the strengths and limitations and understanding the opportunities. Based on the information gathered, the Consultants will make recommendations for the future of London Community Gardens to the City in May 2010.
Over the next two weeks we have scheduled several focus groups. Each focus group will be led by Heather Macpherson of Pathways Consulting. A focus group is a type of a meeting where we ask participants a series of open ended questions and record the feedback and answers of participants. The information is then organized into key trends and findings and utilized to prepare the final report.
If you have any questions contact Heather Macpherson via email: We look forward to hearing your valuable feedback at an upcoming focus group.
Mon May 10th 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
The fourteen-acre community garden at 41st and Alameda in South Central Los Angeles is the largest of its kind in the United States. Started as a form of healing after the devastating L.A. riots in 1992, the South Central Farmers have since created a miracle in one of the country’s most blighted neighborhoods. Growing their own food. Feeding their families. Creating a community. But now, bulldozers are poised to level their 14-acre oasis. The Garden follows the plight of the farmers, from the tilled soil of this urban farm to the polished marble of City Hall. Mostly immigrants from Latin America, from countries where they feared for their lives if they were to speak out, we watch them organize, fight back, and demand answers. Location: Central 1st Floor, Wolf Performance Hall
Wed May 12th 6:30 pm
Join us for a pleasant stroll through the Medway Valley. Scarlet Tanager, Golden Alexander and Six-spotted Tiger Beetle were spotted last year. Meet at the parking lot of the Estate, 101 Windermere Road (west of Western Road).
Wed May 12th 7:00-8:00 PM
The Contained Garden Master.
Gardener Nancy Abra will present: The Contained Garden. Master Gardener presents ways to create attractive container gardens for balconies, patios, and other small spaces. Free admission. All welcome at the Jalna Branch of the London Public Library
Wed May 12th 7:00pm
Attracting Birds to Your Yard.
Master Gardener Ron Rossini and Mychelle Primeau will present - Attracting Birds to Your Yard. This will focus on the many different kinds of birds in our area and how gardeners can develop the proper conditions to welcome them to their gardens. Will highlight individual birds and their needs. Free admission. All welcome. Mount Brydges Library
Wed May 12th 8:00pm
Thames Regional Anglers Association General Meeting.
Guest Speaker Jim Reeve will be our guest speaker for this evening. Jim is the drainage superintendent for Middlesex Centre and he will be sharing some insight from a drainage engineers perspective on the proposed Komoka Creek project and where it stands today. Jim also has over 35 years of experience and he should prove to be very informative. The meeting starts at 8:00 p.m. sharp so make sure you are there on time. Springbank Dam Update. The year 2 post construction monitoring report has officially been released to the general public today. If you go to and click on Thames River (2 indicators) and you can view the entire report. Based on what is in it, I'd say the City of London is in for an even longer battle. It was a lively topic for discussion at the February meeting and the TRAA is going to keep the pressure on and monitor the situation closely. Keep up the good work with the letters to the editor in the Free Press. The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters has started a new petition directed at London City Council to decommission the Dam once and for all. It will be available for signature at the general meeting.
Wed May 12th 7- 9pm
Nutritional Approach to Mental Health: Orthomolecular Therapy.
The first presentation offers a basic introduction to Orthomolecular Medicine, an approach that uses diet and supplementation to address nutritional deficiencies that may cause mental illness such as schizophrenia and anxiety. A screening of the 15 minute highlights of the ISF's documentary Masks of Madness, featuring practitioners and patients using this therapy, will follow. The second presentation will look at the specific nutritional deficiencies related to depression and anxiety, and how nutritional therapy could improve symptoms, under the guidance of a health practitioner. Central 1st Floor Stevenson & Hunt (A+B)
Thurs May 13th 7- 9pm
Resilient London 2030: Exploring the Transition Model.
Transition London is part of a vibrant, international grassroots movement that builds resilient communities in response to the challenges of peak oil, climate change and the economic crisis. Join us for a presentation and Q&A, followed by a discussion of the things that will affect our lives in the future; neighbourhood networks; strategic questions; and next steps. This introduction to Transition Towns Culture is an open space, participatory experience event. Together we can make the transition to a more fulfilling, equitable and sustainable world. Central 1st Floor Stevenson & Hunt B
Fri May 14th 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
How to have the Best Herb and Vegetable Garden Ever.
Ron Rossini will speak on growing herbs and vegetables from seed to harvest. This topic will include growing hints, common problems, pests, as well as maintenance and conditions needed for the best plants ever! Location: Lee Valley Tools, 2100 Oxford St. East, London. Register through Lee Valley. Most sessions are $20.00.
Sat May 15th 8:30 am
Join us on Saturday May 15, 2010 for our 2nd Annual GoGreenGoDutchGoBike event!
There are two tours: the short (25 km return) and the long (45 km return). Both begin at the Dutch Canadian Society Hall and make a stop at the Cenotaph and Carillon in Victoria Park. Refreshments provided. Lunch with Veterans available with ticket. Contest for best decorated bicycle and costume! Please register and bring payment with you day of event! Cost: $10/person ($30 for family up to 5 persons); $5/child 12 years and under. Tickets for lunch ($10/person) with the Veterans must be pre-purchased. Funds raised go toward purchasing bicycles for the Boys and Girls Club of London!
8:30 a.m.: Family bike ride starts at Dutch-Canadian Hall, 1738 Gore Rd.
10:30 a.m.: Gather at Cenotaph at Victoria Park
11 a.m.: Wreath-laying, band plays O Canada and Carillon plays Het Wilhelmus (Dutch anthem) as veterans parade.
11:30 a.m.: Amabile Choir, Klompen Dancers perform.
12:30 p.m.: Dutch-Canadian Hall lunch, concert, social.
Sat May 15th 9:30-11:30am
Spring Plant Exchange at your local library branch.
Calling all gardeners! Bring in your extra cuttings, bulbs and plants to exchange with other gardeners. Please label plants. Please make sure that your plants are in leakproof containers. Locations: Sherwood Meeting Room A, Cherryhill Sam Katz Room, Crouch (General Space). Please contact your local branch to confirm times.
Sat May 15th 9:30-11:30am
Plant a Seed for Spring! Drop in and plant a seed to celebrate Spring. Visit the Sherwood Spring Plant exchange at the same time! Sherwood Community Room
Sun May 16th 2-5pm
Sustainable Homestead Tour (48 Strachan St. in Port Burwell)
This will be an extensive tour of the facilities which include Off grid living with solar cells and a windmill, solar water heaters, Solar air heaters, below ground greenhouse, root cellar, Gardens, fruit trees, Oil expelling, biodiesel making, Biodiesel heater, Double wall construction home, composting system, rain water catchment, and much more. This will take most of the afternoon. For reservations please review the web site before registering at $5 donation.
Tues May 18th 7pm
GREENDRINKS LONDON - Summer on the Patio... No speaker, just drinks and good conversation. Venue: Morriseey House, Dundas Street, between Waterloo & Colborne
Wed May 19th – Fri May 21st
The London-Middlesex Children's Water Festival.
The goal of the London-Middlesex Children's Water Festival is to provide a hands-on learning environment for students in grades 3 to 5 from London and surrounding areas to discover the importance of water in their lives and communities. Over 3,000 grade 3-5 students from across London and Middlesex and surrounding areas will participate in the London-Middlesex Children's Water Festival at Fanshawe Conservation Area and Fanshawe Pioneer Village. The students, their teachers and parent volunteers will learn all about water – how to protect it, people’s attitudes towards it, and technology and science that focus on it. Maintaining the quality and quantity of our groundwater and surface water is vital for the future development of our communities and for the heath and enjoyment of the residents. Educating youth about water and the environment is the perfect way to start doing this. Get involved and contribute to the environmental education of our youth: For more information about the Festival, please contact the Festival Coordinator: Linda Smith at
Wed May 19th 6- 9:30 p.m._
Smart Moves London 2030 Transportation Master Plan Public Meeting
Public Workshop #2
Come join us at our second public workshop to provide your input into London’s Transportation Master Plan. This meeting will allow you to review various options and to provide your comments. City staff and the Consultant team will be available to discuss different directions and to engage feedback. Your feedback will be used to help develop the future vision for transportation in London. Location: London Convention Centre, Salon A & B - Open house: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Workshop: 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 19, 6:30 p.m.
Nature London: Komoka Provincial Park
Take Oxford Street west and then turn onto Glendon Drive. Opposite the Brigham Road intersection, turn right and meet the leader in the parking lot. Spring flowers and migrating birds will be viewed. The terrain is hilly. Free. Participants must provide own transportation.
Sat May 22nd 10-12pm
Spring Plant Exchange at your local library branch.
Calling all gardeners! Bring in your extra cuttings, bulbs and plants to exchange with other gardeners. Please label plants. Please make sure that your plants are in leakproof containers. Participating locations: Masonville Outdoors, Jalna (General Space), Pond Mills Meeting Room A&B. Please contact your local branch to confirm times.
Sat May 22nd 2pm - 4pm
Earth Magic! A workshop for 4-10 year olds Celebrate the Earth by learning about organic gardening! Attendees will learn about the amazing cycle of growth from seed to compost. While learning, kids will make a seed ball to bring home and meet some composting worms. Register with the library online, in person. Jalna branch of the London Public Library.
Sat May 22nd 12-1:30pm
Learn, Define, Act – Climate Justice
Climate Justice London will provide a description of the emerging idea of climate justice, followed by group discussion of its definition and strategies to achieve it. The event will conclude with a friendly, optional action to confront the climate crisis. Meet at the splash pad near the Fork of the Thames. If it is raining, meet in the nearby Forks Pavilion.
Wed May 26th 6:30 pm
Nature London Bird Walks - THE COVES ESA.
A member of the Friends of the Coves Subwatershed Inc. will show us some of the interesting spots in this Environmentally Significant Area (ESA). The meeting place will be at the Greenway Park parking lot. Turn north off Springbank Drive onto Greenside Ave (it’s also the Greenway Pollution Control Plant entrance). The lot is on the right, just a few hundred metres from Springbank Dr.
Thurs May 27th 7-8pm
The Contained Garden. Master Gardener presents ways to create attractive container gardens for balconies, patios, and other small spaces. Lambeth Community Centre Seniors' Room
Sat May 29th 10am-1pm
Reforest London Tree Planting Event McKillop Park
We invite you to plant trees with us tomorrow, May 29, from 10am-1pm at McKillop Park. We apologize for the change in location from earlier announcements. With your help, we will plant 400 trees and shrubs at this park next to the Thames River. McKillop Park is located at the corner of Wonderland and Riverside. Parking is available off Riverside. Please bring a shovel and wear close-toed shoes and sun protection.
We will celebrate the commemorative trees purchased at Christmas 2009 at this event by reading the names of those who received trees as gifts at this event. Map
Sat May 29th 8pm
Reflections on our River Thames - a music and spoken word performance. The Thames - its history, its beauty, its ecosystem and its meaning. Through spoken word and music, a celebration of the river that defines London and the many ways that it touches our lives. Featuring guest artists and the world premiere of a new, specially commissioned choral work by London composer Jeff Smallman Location: Wesley-Knox United Church, 91 Askin St.
Sat May 29th 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Spring Plant Exchange at your local library branch.
Calling all gardeners! Bring in your extra cuttings, bulbs and plants to exchange with other gardeners. Please label plants. Please make sure that your plants are in leakproof containers. Landon (General Space) and Beacock Lobby 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Please contact your local branch to confirm times.
Sun May 30-June 6th
2010 Bicycle Festival
London's annual Bicycle Festival encourages Londoners to bike for transportation, fitness and fun. The Festival promotes events to educate people about bicycle safety and maintenance, local trails and tours. Various locations in London. Email Gosse at for more info.
1 comment:
Great collection of Article! very useful, thanks mate and keep this effort up.
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