Mon March 1st 2:30-3:30pm
National and International Issues of The Great Lakes
Jim Vollmershausen was with Parks Canada for a number of years and has been a senior manager with Environment Canada since 1986, where he has focused his efforts in the department’s regions; first in the Atlantic Region, then the Prairie and Northern Region and now the Ontario Region. When he came to the Ontario Region, he left the issues associated with the large rivers of Prairie and Northern Canada for the issues associated with Canada’s Great Lakes. This experience has ensured a significant involvement in the development of environmental and related water policies. Contact Professor Gordon McBean at 519-661-4274 or for more information. Location: Social Sciences Centre 9420 (9th Floor – Dean’s Office area)(Coffee and refreshments will be served after during a discussion session).
Tues March 2nd 8-3pm
Wind-Water-Sun Renewable Technologies
As a follow up to the 2009 Economic Summit, the LEDC is pleased to be hosting the inaugural Wind, Water and Sun conference in partnership with London Hydro and Miller Thomson to advance discussions regarding London’s Renewable Technology opportunities. London Convention Centre. For those interested in table-top booth space. $150 includes one free registration (DSL and electricity are available at an extra cost) Please call Heather Pilot at: 519.661.4957 or
Sat March 6th 10am
The Thames in winter. Meet the leader in the parking lot at the back of the soccer fields, south of the Adelaide Street North bridge on the west side of Adelaide; the entrance to the parking area is at the traffic light at Kipps Lane and just north of the water treatment plant. We will walk along the river and into some woodland looking for birds and early signs of spring. Call 519-438-5879 for more information. Nature London
Wed March 10th 7-9pm
Gardening in the City - Community Gardens
A Gardening series covering a variety of earthy topics that will grow on you. London Community Resource Centre presentation on benefits of Community Gardens Central 1st Floor Stevenson & Hunt (A+B)
Thurs March 11th 7pm
Ecopower Inc. presents 7th annual INFUSION Fashion Show - “Eden”
Join us as we create a paradise at the exciting and thrilling 7th annual INFUSION Fashion Show - “Eden” presented by Ecopower Inc. 7pm - London Music Hall - Tickets are $20/$25 at the door and are available at The Bookstore at Western, Books Plus or by emailing 185 Queen St London Music Hall COST:$20 TELEPHONE: (519) 280-8633 EMAIL: WEBSITE:
Fri March 12-14th
Creating a Culture of Nature Connection
Join us as Mark Morey of the Institute for Natural Learning speaks about the value of nature connection, and discusses various techniques to help create a culture of nature connection in your life, your home, and your community. For more information on the speaking tour, and on creating a culture of nature connection, see The Art of Mentoring at . Location: Cornerstone Clubhouse, 781 Richmond Street. Register at . Suggested donation: $10.
Sat March 13th 10-3:30pm
Seedy Saturdays and Seedy Sundays
Seeds of Diversity Canada. Featuring a wide selection of seed vendors. Demonstrations and PowerPoint Presentations will be held throughout the day. Organized by the London Middlesex Master Gardeners at Contact: Jennifer Grant or 519-652-2734. Venue: Siloam United Church, Rear Entrance. Admission is $5.00 per adult.
Sat March 13th – 20th 9-5pm
Take a fun environmental trip through your local Library this March Break! Between March 13 and 20, follow the clues and discover our secret "Green" password. Tell staff the password for a chance to win a "Green" Library Bag made from 100% natural hemp! London Library branches. Drop in at your local branch!
Mon March 15th 7-9pm
Film Screening: H2OIL a film about the Alberta tar sands.
Join us for a monthly film series of thought provoking and timely documentaries. Cinema Politica is a media arts, non-profit network of community and campus locals that screen independent political film and video by Canadian and international artists throughout Canada and abroad. Central Library, 1st Floor, Stevenson & Hunt (A+B), Admission: Free
Tues March 16th 8-4:30pm
Green Roof Workshop
Come and hear about how green roofs can reduce heating and air conditioning bills, reduce and clean stormwater run-off, and help make London a cooler place (and not just by reducing the urban heat island effect.) Whether you are an architect, engineer, building owner, developer, builder, renovator, or an interested citizen, this Green Roofs workshop will cover many topics of interest to you including: how to build a green roof, environmental benefits, costs and savings, how they handle our climate, Lessons learned, Examples in London, design challenges, engineering challenges , LEED Certification. Location: Civic Garden Complex at 625 Springbank Drive. $20 Registration Fee includes lunch, workshop. Doors open at 8:00 am, Workshop from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Pre-register to ensure your spot! or
This workshop is sponsored by the City of London in partnership with the London Development Institute and the London Home Builders Association.
Tues March 16th 6:30pm arrivals, 7pm Speaker
GREENDRINKS LONDON: Light Rail Transit for London
Rails for London Kathyrn Nikota and Dean Tolton, graduates of the Integrated Land Planning Technologies program of Fanshawe College present their proposal for a Light Rail Transit System for London. Their research demonstrates how LRT systems create friendly, safe and exciting places to live. Our great-grandparents enjoyed three light rail systems in the early 20th century here in London. Streetcars were operated by the London Street Railway Co. The Southwestern Traction Line provided light rail service from it's depot on Horton St. to Pt. Stanley via Lambeth, Glanworth, & St. Thomas. The London and Port Stanley Railway, also based in the SoHo area and electrified by Sir Adam Beck, was the finest electric system in Canada. A display in the London Room of the Central Library created by London Historian Alice Gibb provides historical background on the Traction Line and the London &Port Stanley Railway. Bombardier of Canada is a leader in the field of Light Rail Transit, supplying train sets for use in LRT systems all over the world. We have the technology. Venue: Morrissey House, 359 Dundas Street (downtown between Waterloo and Colborne).
Wed March 17th 6:30pm
Environmentalism and Elections in Canada: Assessing Recent Trends
Concern for the environment has grown around the world. Cameron Anderson, assistant professor of political science at Western, will explore the extent to which environmental concern is a left-right ideological issue in the minds of Canadians and assess the impact of environmentalism on the ways in which citizens view and vote for Canada's major political parties. Lecturer: Cameron Anderson
Assistant Professor, Political Science. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and classes
begin at 7:00 p.m. Location: Civic Garden Complex, 625 Springbank Drive.
Wed March 17th 7-9pm
Resilient London 2030: Exploring the Transition Model Description
Transition London is part of a vibrant, international grassroots movement that builds resilient communities in response to the challenges of peak oil, climate change and the economic crisis. Join us for a presentation and Q&A, followed by a discussion of the things that will affect our lives in the future; neighbourhood networks; strategic questions; and next steps. This introduction to Transition Towns Culture is an open space, participatory experience event. Together we can make the transition to a more fulfilling, equitable and sustainable world. Central Library, 1st Floor, Stevenson & Hunt Room B
Wed March 17th 7-9pm
Gardening in the City - Contained Gardens
Master Gardener Jennifer Grant will share her experience growing beautiful flowers, herbs and vegetables in containers. Hands on demonstrations will help explain what soils to use, container styles and what plants grow best together. A slide presentation will show examples from Canada and other countries. A gardening series covering a variety of earthy topics that will grow on you. Central Library, 1st Floor, Stevenson & Hunt Room A+B
Thurs March 18th 7pm
Creating Green and High Tech Jobs in a Changing Economy
The topic will be with a particular focus on green manufacturing, high tech, and research. Peter White from LEDC will be moderating, and confirmed panelists are Ted Hewitt, VP Research of UWO, Tim Carrie, Local 27 President of the CAW, Dr. David Hill of the Lawson Research Institute, and Fritz Scheidies of ARC Solar. This is a non-partisan town hall hosted by the federal Liberals in London. VENUE: Kinsmen Arena. All interested Londoners are invited!
Thurs March 18th 10am – 11pm
Pizza Box Solar Cooker
Harness the sun's energy and create your own pizza box solar cooker. Landon Library, Martha Bishop Community Room(children 8-12 years).
Fri March 19th 7:30 pm
Vernal pools are small wetlands that form in the spring and dry up by late summer or early autumn. These wet-dry cycles of vernal pools create a unique habitat type that supports only those species that can tolerate the variable hydrologic conditions. Scott Sampson, president of the Ontario Vernal Pool Association, will explain why conservation of vernal pools is critical to the protection of some species at risk and Ontario's biodiversity. Venue: Civic Garden Complex
Fri March 19th 2:30pm - 4:30pm
March Break Earth Magic (children 4-10 years)
Go Green this March Break by learning about organic gardening! We will learn about the amazing cycle of growth from seed to compost. While learning we will make a seed ball for kids to bring home and meet some composting worms. Landon Library, Martha Bishop Community Room
Wed March 24th 6:15pm
Our Environmental Destiny, Presented by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The University Students' Council is excited to announce the arrival of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at The University of Western Ontario. Mr. Kennedy will be speaking to University students, faculty, staff, and the London community on March 24, 2010. The address, entitled "Our Environmental Destiny," will highlight the role natural resources play in our work, our health , and our identity. “More than just an advocate for the environment, Kennedy is an architect and agent of change in our modern world,” says Dan Moulton, the University Students’ Council Vice-President University Affairs. “Mr. Kennedy’s message, as a leading advocate for the protection of our natural world, is a topic that will surely resonate with members of our action-driven Western community.” Tickets are now available for students ($15 plus tax) at InfoSource in the University Community Centre and on the USC website. A limited number of non-student tickets ($30 plus tax) will be available starting Feb. 25. The event will take place at Alumni Hall with doors opening at 6:15 p.m. and the speech commencing at 7:05 p.m. In addition to his dynamic address, Kennedy will partake in a question and answer period with the audience.
Wed March 24th 7-9pm
Gardening in the City
A Gardening series covering a variety of earthy topics that will grow on you. Topic: Garden Gates Open and Communities in Bloom. Central Library, 1st Floor Stevenson & Hunt Room (A+B)
Thurs March 25th 4:30-6pm
Life After Growth: Why the Economy is Shrinking and What to Do About It
Presented by: Richard Heinberg and The Centre for Environment & Sustainability, UWO
Location: 3M Centre, Room 3250.
Richard Heinberg will discuss how the ongoing economic recession represents a fundamental break with recent history: growth has ceased and may never return in the same way, because energy and resource limits are increasingly constraining economic expansion. But families and communities may actually be better off in a sustainable, "steady-state" economy--one that values people and nature over high-rate financial returns.
Richard Heinberg is widely regarded as one of the world’s foremost Peak Oil educators.
A columnist for the Ecologist Magazine, he has also authored scores of essays and articles for such magazines and journals as: The American Prospect, Public Policy Research, Quarterly Review, Z Magazine, Resurgence, The Futurist, European Business Review, Earth Island Journal, Yes!, Pacific Ecologist, Wild Matters, The Proceedings of the Canadian Association of the Club of Rome, Canadian Dimension, Alternative Press Review, and The Sun. He appears regularly in film and television documentaries as a leading international expert in peak oil and contributes regularly to numerous websites.
For further information please contact: Catharine Leggett, Special Events Coordinator, Centre for Environment & Sustainability, 519 661 2111 x89060 or
Thurs March 25th 5-8pm
COCKTAIL FUNDRAISER for the London City Farm
London City Farm Network cordially invites you to a "Happy Hour” cocktail fundraiser to support London's first urban agricultural farm located in the fields of Fanshawe Pioneer Village. LCFN grows heirloom and open pollinated - rare varieties of vegetables to support paid summer employment for at risk youth in our city. Vegetables are grown organically and sold at local markets and restaurants. London City Farm is a nonprofit organization.
HAPPY HOUR Cocktail Fundraiser
March 25th, 5-8 p.m.
Covent Garden Market (upstairs)
Tickets: $20.00 includes canapés from Garlic’s Restaurant
and Elite Catering By Design
Door Prizes, Silent Auction & Live Music!
Thurs March 25th 7-8:45pm
Organic Farming Forum
What exactly is organic food? Do you have questions about organic practices, certification and labeling? Join our panel of local, organic farmers who will tell us about the food they produce, their farming techniques and what it takes to be certified organic. Ann Slater is a market gardener who sells produce. Cathy McGregor-Smith and her husband operate McSmiths Organic Farm, a mixed farm with an on-farm market. Stewart Slater is a dairy farmer involved with the Organic Meadow Co-operative. Come meet the people who are keeping the small-scale, diversified farm alive using sustainable practices that maintain the health of their land, produce high quality food and contribute to the local economy. There will be time for questions after the discussion. Central 1st Floor Stevenson & Hunt (A+B)
Sat March 27th 10-3pm
Outdoor Discovery Day (3rd annual)
Join us for another free day of informative presentations and talks on Walking, Hiking and Trekking, aimed at promoting your health and safely enjoying the outdoors. Topics include: Presentations on hiking locally and around the World. Find out what equipment you need and how to choose it. Learn about your local hiking organizations. Join us for a one hour walk over lunchtime. Presented by: Thames Valley Trail Association, Elgin Hiking Club, Avon Hiking Club, Maitland Trail Assoc., Novacks, Healthy Living-Middlesex London and the London Public Library. Central Library, 1st Floor, Stevenson & Hunt Room (A+B)
Sat March 27th 6:30pm
The Third Annual Art of Eating – Museum London
Enjoy the opportunity to taste a delicious meal created in a local state of mind. As in the past two years, the Art of Eating is themed around a current exhibition: this year, the menu is based on A(l)ure of the Local, an exhibition that weaves the story of London ON together by featuring artifacts and historical, modern and contemporary art from our two collections: art and material culture. So, expect the menu to maximize all the wonderful local products and services in the London and Southwestern area. Again this year the menu is being designed by premier London chef Steve James and Jeff Warner, chef at On The Fork. Don’t miss this delicious opportunity to support Museum London’s 2010 historical exhibitions. Limited seating. Tickets $95/person or $950 for a table of 10. Ticket reservations welcome, email or telephone 519-661-0333 x4242.
Saturday March 27 6pm - close
Celebrate Earth Hour "In the Dark with The Dozens"
This talented acoustic blues duo from London have taken their soulful sound on the road across Canada and are excited to share Earth Hour with their eco-friendly home town folk. Where: East Village Coffeehouse, 785 Dundas St. E. just west of Rectory Cost: Free (donations appreciated)
Saturday March 27 6pm - close
Earth Hour Acoustic Open Mike
Join us for a cozy night of candlelight and acoustic song-sharing and poetry reading to celebrate Earth Hour. All are welcome to sign up for a stint of song, poetry and mirth. Where: The Briscoe Cafe, 325 Wharncliffe Rd. S., between Springbank and Commissioners
Sun March 28th 9-11am
Meet the leader in front of the main viewing stand behind the Aylmer Police College to view Tundra Swans and other migrating waterfowl. We will then proceed to walk a paved trail to look for other early spring birds. If necessary, call 519-438-5879 for more details. Directions: exit the 401 at Imperial Road and head south to College Line. Turn left and continue to Hacienda Road. The Police College will be on your left. Take the second entrance to the Aylmer WMA. If necessary, call 519-438-5879 for more details.
Mon March 29th 2:30-
Climate Change and Water Issues in Ontario
Linda Mortsch is a senior researcher with Environment Canada and an adjunct at the University of Waterloo. Her research interests include assessing the effects of climate change on water resources in North America. She was Convening Lead Author for the North American Chapter of the IPCC 2007 Scientific Assessment. Contact Professor Gordon McBean at 519-661-4274 or for more information. Location: Social Sciences Centre 9420 (9th Floor – Dean’s Office area)(Coffee and refreshments will be served after during a discussion session).
Wed March 31st 7-9pm
Gardening in the City with Lance Meredith
Gardening in the City is a series of presentations on a variety of earthy subjects that will grow on you. This last event in the series is presented by Lance Meredith on the topic of "Edible landscapes and permaculture design for the home owner and gardener". Location: London Public Library - Central (Stevenson & Hunt Room)
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