Thurs April 1st 9:30am - 4:30pm
All-Day Environmental Exposition - UCC Gymnasiums
Students in the first-year Environmental Issues course want to get the word out. They’ve been working hard on environmental investigations and projects that explore timely issues and technologies, and now it is time to go public with their important findings at the Day-long Environmental Exposition. The Environmental Expo will consist of 64 evocative presentations covering 25 topics that confront some of the difficult environmental concerns we face in today’s world, and will examine some of the technological advances used for solutions. The presentations are the results of team members who have pooled their research, talents, resources and hours of collaborative work to create original commentaries on important and timely topics. Far-ranging and diverse topics will inspire, delight, provoke, challenge and inform.
For more information and a complete list of the 64 topics contact Natasha Patrito Hannon, PhD, at
Sat April 3rd 9-5pm and running all month
How Green Are You?
Help our community grow as we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day! Tell us what your family is doing to be green by writing your ideas on a special "leaf" for "Masonville's Green Tree". Learn what others are doing, try out some new ideas and help our community lead the green wave. Where: Masonville Mall
Sat April 3rd 9-10am running every Sat in April
'Zero Footprint - Human Power' - A free neighbourhood walk and social event for adults
Description: Aim to leave a zero footprint while improving your fitness level and strengthening your neighbourhood. On Saturdays, walk to Crouch for a 9am group hike and return to the library for a social at 10am. Refreshments provided. Crouch Cornerstone Community Meeting Room
Wed April 7th 4:30-6pm
The Geography of Hope: A Tour of the World We Need
Author, journalist, environmentalist and sustainability expert, Chris Turner went on a global mission to find the answer to this question: "Would this - this place, this machine, this social system or way of life - be capable of continuing on its present course for the foreseeable future without exhausting the planet's ability to sustain human life at something like the current population and quality of life?"
The result of his year-long investigation is a survey of global sustainable practices and the lessons to be learned. The Geography of Hope breathes new life into our planet’s future and offers a patchwork map of available solutions to the potential threat of catastrophic climate change. Turner makes an argument for a new environmentalism that replaces fear with exuberance. His is the voice of hope in a chorus of recriminations and doom.
Everyone is welcome. For further information contact
Thurs April 8th 7pm
Thames Talbot Land Trust - Annual General Meeting
Thames Talbot Land Trust is marking the tenth anniversary of our incorporation in 2010. Please join us for our AGM on Thursday, April 8th at the Stoneridge Inn on Col. Talbot Road at the 401. Doors open for displays and registration at 7:00 PM with the meeting getting under way at 7:30 PM. This year our guest speaker will be Clint Jacobs of the Walpole Island Land Trust, which is Canada's first and only First Nations land trust. A fascinating and inspiring story.
Thurs April 8th 6:30-8:30pm (Video from 8:30 to 9:00pm)
Sustainable Transportation Roundtable - London Convention Centre
Please mark your calendar for the next meeting of the Sustainable Transportation Roundtable (STR) as part of the 2030 Transportation Master Plan – Smart Moves ( Please note that if you cannot attend this meeting, there will be several more including May 13, 2010. The Smart Moves Project Team has a desire to establish a number of working groups to help further the dialogue in a number of specific areas over the next 8 months. Please confirm your attendance for April 8 asap, by emailing Robin Pyluta at
Sat April 10th 10-4pm
Think Global Act Local Forum - Greening Our Community
The purpose and focus of this event is to inform and inspire each of us to conserve energy, save money, explore energy alternatives, and become more aware of what local organizations are doing to address environmental concerns. As an exhibitor your organization will have a high profile venue to showcase your energy conservation and/or sustainable development initiatives. Where: White Oaks Mall.
Sat April 10th 10-4pm
The Great Community Health Tune-up
Learn about the health services in your community. Get tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle, hear speakers on a wide range of topics that impact your health and that of your community. This is a free event. Where: Western Fair Grounds, Special Events Building.
Sat April 10th 1-4pm
Birdhouse Workshop
Time to give our nesting fine feathered friends a nice home for the summer. Come and make a house with us. We have the tools, all you need is a 6" wide x 4' long x 1" thick board (we suggest cedar or pine) and whatever non-toxic paint or other decorative do-dads you want to use to embellish your birdie's new abode. Where: The Briscoe Café, 325 Wharncliffe Rd. S.
Sat April 10th 12-4pm
Work Day! with Thames Talbot Land Trust (Newport Forest)
Take this opportunity to get together and have some fun with other members of the Thames Talbot Land Trust and their families and do some practical, hands-on conservation. Bring your own lunch and water. Dress for the weather conditions and the work: you will need strong shoes or boots, work gloves, and long pants. WORK: Trail grooming and maintenance, boundary-marking and shrub removal. Bring loppers and a brush saw if you can. For more information contact Jane Bowles at
Sat Apr 10 to Mon Apr 12
Forest Gardening: Ecologically Intelligent Design for Human Living
In this workshop we inform and engage you in creating ecologically sustainable sanctuaries for human living and planetary sustainability. You will learn how to apply practical Forest Garden design to a diversity of landscapes, with a focus on dense urban environments and temperate regions. Learn how to grow your own food no matter the size of your backyard. Design your own property, and learn how to 'be a part of the solution' using forest gardening principles. This is a hands-on-experiential training in ecosystem structure and function, and in landscape understanding. It will show you how you can achieve the same benefits that natural systems demonstrate: stability, resilience, self-maintenance, self-renewal, increased soil quality, and nutrient conservation. (To accommodate individual needs a person can attend our teachings as a One-Day or Two-Day Workshop or as a Three-Day Training)
Presenters: Passionate, long-time gardeners, herbalists and eco-spiritual guides, Shantree Kacera D.N., Ph.D. and Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera, invite you to discover this remarkable model for creating gardens that support oneself and the Earth. For more information visit or phone 519-652-9109.
Sun April 11th 12-4pm
Car Free Sunday - We're Not Fuelin' Around - Downtown Street Festival
Bring your whole family and join us Sunday, April 11 for London's first Car Free Sunday! We're closing Dundas Street from Ridout to Wellington Street and hosting a street festival of free family fun - Car Free! See the latest cool new cycling gear and EBikes, watch yoga demonstrations and take in all of the other activities.
Car Free Sunday starts at 12:00 noon, with the Opening Ceremony at 1 p.m. on the Main Stage. The fun continues all afternoon until 4 p.m. See you there! For more info visit
Tues April 13th 7pm
Master Gardener Ron Rossini will present: The best vegetable garden ever and you don’t even have to plant broccoli! Komoka Library (a branch of Middlesex County Library) located in the Community Centre, 133 Queen Street, Komoka ON. Free admission. All welcome.
April 16 to April 25
Toonies for Trees - Earth Week. Make It Count.
Get your toonies out to help ReForest London plant trees in the City of London and raise awareness with Londoners of our spring and fall tree planting activities for 2010. Earth Week, April 16th to April 25th, make it count by making a $2 donation at a retail store near you to help keep the forest in the Forest City. ***For a full list of participating retail stores for Toonies for Trees and locations please visit
When visiting your local garden centre this spring and summer you can also make a $2 donation, as the Independent Garden Centres of London have joined together to participate in Toonies for Trees from April 16th to June 30th.
Fri April 16th 2 p.m.
20 Minute London Makeover
In 2006, a new initiative called the 20 Minute London Makeover was launched to allow the business community to demonstrate the pride outside of their buildings and into their corporate neighbourhoods. It was a great success. In 2009, the response to action was even more impressive. In four years, the event has grown to include more than 150 businesses, schools and government locations. Collectively, these groups endeavored to clean up their business or school environment.
Fri April 16th 6:30 - 8:30 pm
How to have the Best Herb and Vegetable Garden Ever
Master Gardeners Ron Rossini and Jennifer Grant will speak on growing herbs and vegetables from seed to harvest. This topic will include growing hints, common problems, pests, as well as maintenance and conditions needed for the best plants ever! All sessions are held at Lee Valley Tools, 2100 Oxford St., East London. You may attend the entire series or just a few, but you must pre register through Lee Valley at 519-659-7981. Most sessions are $20.00.
Sat April 17th
London Clean & Green 2010
Join us for the 15th Annual London Clean & Green Community Clean Up Day. Volunteers will be cleaning up litter and removed graffiti all over the city. Volunteers include formal and informal neighbourhood groups, condominium boards, employee groups, business improvement associations, families and individual citizens. Secondary students can volunteer & earn hours towards their Community Involvement Activity requirement. Take part in the Ontario Youth Volunteer Challenge - ChangeTheWorld 2010! Visit Pillar Nonprofit Network for more details and to take a peek at some volunteer photos.
Sat April 17th 11-3pm
Work Day! with Thames Talbot Land Trust (Joany's Woods)
Take this opportunity to get together and have some fun with other members of the Thames Talbot Land Trust and their families and do some practical, hands-on conservation. Bring your own lunch and water. Dress for the weather conditions and the work: you will need strong shoes or boots, work gloves, and long pants. WORK: Trail grooming and maintenance, boundary-marking and shrub removal. Bring loppers and a brush saw if you can. For more information contact Jane Bowles at 519-461-1932 or via e-mail at
Sat April 17th-19th
Living the Solution ~ The Sevenfold Path of Peace (April 17 - 19)
Empower Yourself and Be the Change that Changes Everything
There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make any vision and dream into a reality. Take back your power, live disease-free, support the environment, and be the Artist of Your Life. A uniquely crafted study path, Living the Solution teaches you the seven proven steps to transform yourself - so you can transform the world! Living the Solution invites a renaissance in human thought, values and action. This Sevenfold Path offers transformational practices and philosophies that will support you in living a conscious, happy and purpose-filled lifestyle. For more information visit or phone 519-652-9109.
Sun April 18th 7- 8:30pm
Green Initiatives for Londoners - Speaker: Jay Stanford, City of London
Green First St Andrews in conjunction with the City of London "Clean and Green Initiative”, present a week of green events. Where: First St Andrews Church, Proudfoot Hall, 350 Queens Avenue London, ON N6B 1X6. For more information call (519) 679-8182
Sunday April 18th
Earth Day London
Join us at Watson Street Park to help with environmental restoration of a section of the Thames Valley Corridor within the City of London. Huge Tree Planting Festival. Community Organization Exhibits. Watson Street Park is located on Wellington Road, just south of the Thames River. Watch for the Earth Day signs. Parking is available along South Street on both sides of the street, and at the end of Watson Street. For more information call (519) 451-2800 or email or visit
Sun April 18th 1-4pm
GREENHOUSE TOUR - Civic Garden Complex
Each year we open the greenhouses and the entire complex to the public for one day. Visitors will be split into small groups and taken on a guided tour of the entire complex. Your guide will explain all the workings of the Conservatory and the Greenhouses. See the flowers in bloom and various plants that will be planted into London’s city streets and parks. You will be able to purchase plants from the "Plants-to-go" cart in the lobby (Cash or Cheque only). Before or after your tour, see the displays, then go for a leisurely walk through the park and gardens. Walking/Biking Maps are available at the complex. It is a wonderful time for everyone to welcome Spring.
Mon April 19th 7:00PM
Film Screening: Dreamland
Cinema Politica London and the London Public Library are proud to present the critically acclaimed environmental documentary Dreamland. This is one of the best environmental films ever made. An incredibly moving, inspiring and fantastically political film that will make you want to be a better steward of this planet.
WHERE: Central Library, Stevenson and Hunt Room
COST: By donation at the door ($2-5 recommended)
SYNOPSIS: How much unspoiled nature should we preserve and what do we sacrifice for clean, renewable energy? Dreamland gradually turns into a disturbing picture of corporate power taking over small communities.
In Dreamland a nation with abundance of choices gradually becomes caught up in a plan to turn its wilderness and beautiful nature into a massive system of hydro-electric and geothermal power plants with dams and reservoirs. Clean energy brings in polluting industry and international corporations. It’s the dark side of green energy.
Tues April 20th 7pm
GREENDRINKS LONDON - Topic: Naturopathic Medicine
Join Richard Vuksinic, ND and Kristina Kastelanac, ND as they discuss naturopathic medicine as a model of healthcare that is philosophically rooted in principles that promote environmental consciousness, as they pertain to sustainability, accessibility and an interconnectedness with nature. Dr. Richard Vuksinic, ND will discuss the guiding principles of naturopathy and how they can effect our understanding of personal and environmental health. He will also touch on the sustainability and accessibility of herbal medicine. Dr. Kristina Kastelanac, ND will further illuminate the connections between environmental and individual health by exploring the connections between environmental toxins and their effects on the human endocrine system. Both Richard and Kristina are Naturopathic Doctors practicing in London, Ontario. Venue: The Morrissey House, 359 Dundas Street (between Waterloo and Colborne)
Tuesday April 20th
Film Screening: "The Greening of Faith"
Green First St Andrews in conjunction with the City of London "Clean and Green Initiative”, present a week of green events. Where: First St Andrews Church, Proudfoot Hall, 350 Queens Avenue London, ON N6B 1X6. For more information call (519) 679-8182
Wed April 21st 6:30-7:15pm
Film Screening: "The Eco-Home"
Green First St Andrews in conjunction with the City of London "Clean and Green Initiative”, present a week of green events. Where: First St Andrews Church, Proudfoot Hall, 350 Queens Avenue London, ON N6B 1X6. For more information call (519) 679-8182
Wed April 21st 7pm
Ecological Gardening - - - Introduction to Permaculture
Where: Central Library, Stevenson & Hunt Room A
Cost: FREE
Wed April 21st 7-8:30pm
Vermi-composting Workshop or How to Compost with Red Wriggler Worms
Attendees will learn how to compost food scraps in small, indoor spaces with red wriggler worms. Vermicomposting is an excellent way to reduce your garbage. Learn how to set up and maintain a worm composting bin. Free admission. London Public Library's community programming. Location; Jalna Branch 1166 Commissioners Rd. E. You can register with the library online, in person or by phone 519-685-1333
Thurs April 22nd
Thurs April 22nd
Dress Down for Earth Day - ReForest London Fundraiser
Go Green at the office by organizing a Dress Down for Earth Day event at your office where staff can donate $2, $5 or $10 to dress down for the day. Funds raised during the event will go to ReForest London to help plant trees in the City of London.
Get your toonies out and plan for some friendly competition with other businesses in London! Let ReForest London know if your business plans to participate in Dress Down for Earth Day, and we will add your company and/or organizations name to our list on our website. We will then post and celebrate the business that raises the highest amount for Dress Down for Earth Day.
Please contact ReForest London to register your company or to learn more visit
Thurs April 22nd 7-8:30pm
Energy Conservation Tips and Innovations, presented by London Hydro
Receive a free conservation kit. Green First St Andrews in conjunction with the City of London "Clean and Green Initiative”, present a week of green events. Where: First St Andrews Church, Proudfoot Hall, 350 Queens Avenue London, ON N6B 1X6. For more information call (519) 679-8182
Fri April 23rd
Renewable Energy Expo
Featuring solar thermal, solar pv, geothermal talks and vendors. Green First St Andrews in conjunction with the City of London "Clean and Green Initiative”, present a week of green events. Where: First St Andrews Church, Proudfoot Hall, 350 Queens Avenue London, ON N6B 1X6. For more information call (519) 679-8182
Fri April 23rd 10:30-11:30am
Eco-Kids Craft (6 years and up)
Put the Earth first on ‘Kids First Day’. Join us in creating an earth-friendly craft project. Where: Landon Library, OSCO Community Meeting Room. Registration starts Apr 9th by telephone, online or in person.
Fri April 23rd 2:30-3:30pm
Earth Day Eggheads (6 years and up)
Put the Earth First on ‘Kids First Day’. Join us to create an earth-friendly "egghead" planter. Where: Landon Library, OSCO Community Meeting Room. Registration starts Apr 9th by telephone, online or in person.
Sat April 24th 8:30am-12:30pm
Tree Planting @ Veterans Memorial Parkway at Trafalgar (west side)
Join ReForest London and Scoutrees as we plant hundreds of trees and shrubs along Veterans Memorial Parkway, as part of a five year plan to beautify this London thoroughfare. 3M is hosting a BBQ at their facility following the planting. No weekend bus route. Follow the signs to parking and planting location. For more information contact Julie Ryan at 936-9548 or
Sat April 24th
Annual Coves Clean Up. Please visit for details.
Sat April 24th 2:30-3:30pm
Earth Day Fun! (5-12 yrs)
Learn tips on how we can make this earth a safe and healthy place to live, and create you own environmentally friendly recyclable craft to take home! Where: Crouch Library. Meeting Room 3
Sat April 24th 1-4pm
Work Day! with Thames Talbot Land Trust (Five Points Forest)
Take this opportunity to get together and have some fun with other members of the Thames Talbot Land Trust and their families and do some practical, hands-on conservation. Bring your own lunch and water. Dress for the weather conditions and the work: you will need strong shoes or boots, work gloves, and long pants. WORK: Garlic Mustard removal. Bring trowel and gloves, if you can. For more information contact Jane Bowles at 519-461-1932 or via e-mail at
Tues April 27th 6:30-9:00pm
You Are What You Eat (Documentary film series)
The first of these fascinating films lifts the veil on the food industry, exposing how our food supply is controlled by a handful of corporations that put profits ahead of consumer health. The second uncovers the trillion dollar worldwide ‘Sickness Industry’, and explains a growing body of scientific evidence proving that nutritional therapy can be more effective, more economical, less harmful and less invasive than most conventional medical treatments. Find out what works, what doesn't, and what's killing you. Become informed about the choices you have, which could save your life. Where: Central Library, 1st Floor - Wolf Performance Hall
Wed April 28th 7-9pm
Ecological Gardening
The first presentation will focus on the food producing aspects of permaculture design, with an emphasis on perennial edible landscapes. Come and learn about: organic food production, recycling and waste management, soil rehabilitation and how to increase yield but decrease the effort and make gardening much easier then you ever imagined! In the second session you will learn how to establish a sustainable garden, a food forest - the most ecologically friendly way of gardening open to us, which can be tailored to fit any space, from a tiny backyard to a large country garden. This visual presentation will show you an edible food forest in transition to become ecologically established sustainable garden sanctuary. Where: Central Library, 1st Floor, Stevenson & Hunt Room B
Wed April 28th 7-9pm
Organic Garden Solutions Workshop - How to Cook Up Remedies in the Kitchen.
Master Gardener, Ron Rossini, will present ways of treating garden problems with organic and home remedies. He will also outline many major floral and vegetable garden concerns and how to treat many diseases and pests. No registration required. This workshop if part of the London Public Library's community programming. Location: Jalna Branch of the London Public Library, 1119 Jalna Ave.
Wed April 28th 7pm
Ecological Gardening - - - Establishing a Sustainable Garden
Where: Central Library, Stevenson & Hunt Room A
Cost: FREE
Sat April 28th 10 a.m.
ReForest London - Tree Planting in Glen Cairn
Join the Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre to plant trees and shrubs at this large apartment complex on King Edward Ave. You will be planting native trees and shrubs and mulching them. The work is fun and relatively easy, suitable for families and people of all ages. Bring a shovel or rake if you can, but we've also got plenty to share. Sturdy shoes and gardening gloves are also helpful to have. We'll have water to drink and people there to show you what to do. For more information contact Julie Ryan at 936-9548 or
Wed April 28th 7-8pm
Organic Solutions
Master Gardener Ron Rossini at the Jalna Branch of the London Public Library. Free admission. All welcome
Wed April 28th 7:30p.m.
Nature London: Walk at Woodcocks on the Thames
Meet the leader at the east end of Windermere Road, east of Adelaide Street. Participants will be looking for migrant birds and hoping to see the extraordinary courtship display of the American Woodcock. Dress warmly and bring a flashlight. Call 519-642-3046, if more information is required. Free.
Fri April 30th 6:30-8:30pm
The Contained Garden
Jennifer Grant will share her master gardening expertise on growing beautiful flowers, herbs and vegetables in containers. Hands on demonstrations will help explain what soils to use, container styles, and what plants grow best together. A slide presentation will show samples from Canada and other countries Master Gardeners, Ron Rossini and Jennifer Grant offer talks on various gardening topics to help ease your winter blues! All sessions are held at Lee Valley Tools, 2100 Oxford St. East London. You may attend the entire series or just a few, but you must pre register through Lee Valley at 519-659-7981. Most sessions are $20.00.
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